Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Veganuary Day 6

It's day 6 and so far so good. Veganuary is proving to be a great experience not only with finding new and interesting products that I haven't tried before but I've come to realise that it's not actually been as hard as I thought it would be... obviously I have a little way to go yet so it's probably best to ask me when it's ended. However there has been some degree of difficulty when finding products. This is often due to labelling. Some ingredients lists are pretty straight forward and easy to understand but I must admit, the items that I'm not sure about get put back on the shelf.

The day (as usual) started with a bowl of Shredded wheat bitesize. I also had a few 'Hobnobs' with my cup of tea because I was feeling a bit greedy. Lunch consisted of a 'Marks & Spencer' giant cous cous salad, salt and vinegar 'Ten Acre' crisps, a peanut '9 bar' (my favourite snack bar) and an apple.
As my mouth and one side of my face was left numb after a harrowing dentist appointment it was a while before I could manage any food and when I did, I didn't want anything hard to chew. I was glad that I had picked up a can of soup from planet organic the other day (I think I've seen them in Asda too). 
This hearty, French country vegetable soup by Amy's kitchen was a life saver. Very tasty and packed with beans and a mix of other vegetables. I really enjoyed it considering that I had tried 'Amy's kitchen' products before and not liked them. I'll definitely be buying more soup in other flavours.

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