Thursday 2 October 2014


While I was at 'Vegfest' at the weekend one stall in-particular caught my eye so I went over to investigate. 'Veganuary' is set up to raise awareness of Veganism and living cruelty-free and urges people to go Vegan throughout the month of January 2015. After being reassured by a lovely lady who spent time explaining everything to me, I quite happily signed up. My only fear is slipping up, but I was told that it doesn't matter as long as you try to maintain a vegan diet as best as you can.
If you are a vegetarian looking for a challenge or even a meat-eater looking to change your eating habits I suggest that you sign up to 'Veganuary.' You will receive email's with information and recipes to help you. I am looking forward to finding loads more amazing Vegan products and blogging about my experience throughout January. Please follow me if you want to keep up with my posts.

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